Judy is the little sister of our RackBuddy .
The two horizontal pipes at the bottom offer space for the little shoes or boxes filled with toys. Hence, Judy is not only a clothes rack, but also serves as a shoe rack and a rack that offers lots of storage possibilities. Judy optimizes every interior and is the best possible space-saving solution for every children's room.
The Scandinavian industrial look is very timeless and adapts perfectly to the rest of the interior.
The load capacity of Judy has no limits, because the construction is made of stable iron pipes, which can carry a lot of weight.
All our products can be adapted or extended at any time, so that the height and width of the clothes rack can be adjusted whenever needed. This makes a RackBuddy a very durable product that your kids can enjoy for a long time.
Height: 100 cm
Width: 100 cm
Depth: 37cm
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